A 2023 episode from the Agile Coaching Network podcast really resonated with me, titled ‘HAS AGILE JUMPED THE SHARK?’.

How we manage the amount of process vs. the embedding and agile mindsets and values should be a point of reflection for any Agile Coach. Asking questions such as:

  • Is the amount of process stifling our team’s actual ability to be flexible? To be agile?

  • Is agile being set up for success during its adoption?

  • Is coaching a focus for Senior Leadership?

I’d be interested to know what you’ve found in your experience!


To jump the shark…The beginning of the end. 

Something is said to have “jumped the shark” when it has reached its peak and begun a downhill slide to mediocrity. It refers to an episode of the TV show “Happy Days” in which Fonzie jumps over a shark on water skis, which is believed to be the point at which the series had lost its touch. It was said to be the beginning of the end of the show.


Constructive vs. Destructive Conflict


Emotional Agility