The Power of Agile Manufacturing in an Industry 4.0 world

Agile manufacturing evolved from Toyota's just-in-time (JIT) concept, expanding into lean manufacturing, cycle time management, time-based competition, and quick-response manufacturing.

Unlike JIT's focus on production systems, agile manufacturing encompasses both factory floor operations and the growing significance of software in the industry. Its prerequisites hinge on robust digital transformation, emphasising software development facilitating seamless interaction among humans, computers, and production machines.

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Innovation through Agile: Crucial practices leaders should adopt to capitalise on agile’s potential

As detailed in the excellent HBR article by Darrell Rigby, Jeff Sutherland, and Hirotaka Takeuchi ‘Embracing Agile’, innovation is what agile is all about.

In this article I summarise the six practices Rigby et al discerned through their study and analysis, that are crucial in capitalising on agile’s potential.

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Constructive vs. Destructive Conflict

Conflict in the workplace is inevitable, but it isn't always a bad thing! Being in SLT and heading up Agile Delivery teams, Rebecca has experienced conflict as a great way to work through important problems and issues. Equally, she’s seen it divide teams and negatively impact collaboration and morale. Discover the difference between constructive and destructive conflict.

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Has Agile jumped the shark?

The latest podcast episode from the Agile Coaching Network really resonates - 'HAS AGILE JUMPED THE SHARK?'. Explore how managing the amount of process vs. embedding agile mindsets / values should be a point of reflection for companies, to understand whether they’re getting it right.

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