The Global Digital Divide & Gender Parity in UAE Industries

We explore gender parity through the lens of digital inclusion and where the UAE stands in terms of female employee inclusion across industries. The Women in Tech chapter for the UAE is spearheading initiatives to close the 'digital divide'. Women in Tech® Global is undertaking initiatives under their 'Digital & Social Inclusion' pillar, including donating over 350 computers and laptops to schools in underprivileged areas in India and South Africa.

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Do we still need International Women’s Day?

Our founder explores the continued needed for International Women’s Day in elevating he hidden voices across the world that this day helps shine a light on.

An IWD article from the BBC says it plainly and without judgement: sexual violence used as a weapon of war, girls being denied secondary-school education and the continued use of women and their bodies as commodities. If there were ever an argument needed for continued efforts to highlight women’s issues, these are just a few.

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Agile in name only: What about the People!!!

Rebecca explores the correlation between the commoditisation of people in business, to organisation’s failing to adopt agile. Catching up on ACN (#AgileCoachingNetwork) podcast episodes, I was inspired to write a piece after listening to their 20 May episode ‘What about the people!!!’.

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Constructive vs. Destructive Conflict

Conflict in the workplace is inevitable, but it isn't always a bad thing! Being in SLT and heading up Agile Delivery teams, Rebecca has experienced conflict as a great way to work through important problems and issues. Equally, she’s seen it divide teams and negatively impact collaboration and morale. Discover the difference between constructive and destructive conflict.

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Kick-off Pt 1 - The role of Leadership & Hierarchy

Rebecca explores the importance of an effective kick-off, with a focus on the human-centric, relationship-based factors which are essential to setting teams up for success.

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