Blame & Fear Cultures: How Profits Over People Can Lead to Tragedy

As most of us do over summer, I took some time to catch up on my reading, listening, and watching lists, especially reading Diana Larsen's book 'Lead without Blame'. This got me thinking about the environments where teams truly thrive. I started reflecting on how cultures of blame and fear can deeply impact organisations. In my latest article, I dive into some of the most extreme examples and explore the consequences when "Profits over People & Product" becomes the driving force in business.

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Anti-Agile: The Agile Industrial Complex

I am part of the ‘Agile Industrial Complex’. However, I’ve always had the same frustration - knowing that what works will only be determined by listening to teams, and frequently seeing this not happen.

In this article I explore what is meant by ‘The Agile Industrial Complex’, and how we can shift the needle back towards the true principles of agile, and away from off-the-shelf models.

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Agile in name only: What about the People!!!

Rebecca explores the correlation between the commoditisation of people in business, to organisation’s failing to adopt agile. Catching up on ACN (#AgileCoachingNetwork) podcast episodes, I was inspired to write a piece after listening to their 20 May episode ‘What about the people!!!’.

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Emotional Agility

Rebecca introduces her upcoming series on Emotional Agility and understanding the elements of emotional intelligence. I recently finished a 6 month contracting role with a technology consultancy. As part of my role as Agile Transformation Lead I undertook some internal Agile Coaching. Rather than focusing on simply agile as a practice, I wanted to explore softer skills coaching and leadership development.

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Team charters - supporting collaboration for remote teams

With teams likely to remain remote or distributed across regions, Rebecca looks at the benefits of using a team charter to focus and align group working. Working as part of a team is both difficult and rewarding. Every individual in a team brings with them particular skills, strengths and traits which can nurture collaboration or introduce conflict. This article explores the benefits of a team charter.

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Kick-off Pt 1 - The role of Leadership & Hierarchy

Rebecca explores the importance of an effective kick-off, with a focus on the human-centric, relationship-based factors which are essential to setting teams up for success.

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Kick-off Pt 2 - Building Trust & Communication

Building trust & effective communication upfront, in any project or program kick-off is essential for setting the foundations for success. Whether its between a new team, stakeholders, clients or partner eco-system, understanding the nuances of trust and communication across cultures should be part of your kick-off activities.

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