The Global Digital Divide & Gender Parity in UAE Industries

Following this year’s International Women’s Day, I wanted to explore gender parity through the lens of digital inclusion and where the UAE stands in terms of female employee inclusion across industries.

As a member of the Women in Tech chapter for the UAE, it's inspiring to see the organisation spearheading initiatives to close the 'digital divide'.

Women in Tech® Global is undertaking initiatives under their 'Digital & Social Inclusion' pillar, including donating over 350 computers and laptops to schools in underprivileged areas in India and South Africa. They also offer digital literacy courses to children and mothers in marginalised communities across Africa and Brazil, covering software basics and computer proficiency.

The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Chief Doreen Bogdan-Martin emphasised last week, ahead of IWD24, that the digital divide is one of the biggest challenges "of our generation", with around 2.6 billion people worldwide lacking access to digital technology.

Bridging the global digitalisation gap is a priority, with the United Nations aiming to raise $100 billion by 2026, although more is estimated to be needed.

As I referenced in my earlier article 'Do we still need International Women’s Day?', the campaign theme for IWD24 is 'Inspire Inclusion'. The spotlight is on inspiring others to understand and value inclusion to forge a better world.

“If we strive for presence and equality in every sector, industry, level of authority, government, and activity, we can help shift the balance. For future generations of girls and women, let's support the levelling up of services, opportunities, and access.”

To this end, it’s heartening to see the upward trend in female inclusivity in the workplace here in the United Arab Emirates. According to a January article from Economy Middle East, the UAE's Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization reports a 23.1% growth in women's participation in the private sector in 2023.

The UAE has demonstrated its commitment to gender balance through positive legislation, which prohibits gender discrimination, ensures equal opportunities for women, and upholds equal pay for similar jobs.

The UAE has enacted labour laws that eliminate any restrictions on women working in 'challenging' sectors such as mining, construction, manufacturing, energy, agriculture, and transportation.

As detailed in the Economy Middle East article:

“According to the Gender Equity Index 2022 (by the UN) the UAE ranked first in the Arab world and eleventh globally”

For sustained economic growth in the UAE and across the Middle East, bringing more women into the workplace, particularly in STEM industries, is vital. In an article from The National, Fahad Saeed Al Raqbani, UAE ambassador to Canada, stated:

Women hard hat manufacturing robotics automation technology middle east

"Given that STEM careers are the jobs of the future, promoting the advancement of women in the STEM fields is not only a domestic priority for the UAE, but part of our international approach and policy in empowering women globally."

Developing career paths for Emirati women in STEM fields is a national priority and crucial for providing future job opportunities. While 61% of UAE STEM graduates are women, there's concern over the "leaky pipeline" where representation drops in higher-level positions. Initiatives are needed to support the career progression of women in STEM fields, including part-time jobs, flexible hours, and shift-based work.

As we strive for a future where gender parity is not just an aspiration but a reality, it's imperative to recognise the pivotal role of women in driving innovation, progress, and economic growth, here in the Middle East and across the world. By fostering inclusive environments, breaking down barriers, and providing equal opportunities, we not only empower women but also enrich societies and pave the way for a brighter, more equitable future for all. 

Let's continue to champion diversity, embrace inclusion, and work together towards a world where every individual, regardless of gender, can thrive and contribute their fullest potential.


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Do we still need International Women’s Day?