The Global Digital Divide & Gender Parity in UAE Industries

We explore gender parity through the lens of digital inclusion and where the UAE stands in terms of female employee inclusion across industries. The Women in Tech chapter for the UAE is spearheading initiatives to close the 'digital divide'. Women in Tech® Global is undertaking initiatives under their 'Digital & Social Inclusion' pillar, including donating over 350 computers and laptops to schools in underprivileged areas in India and South Africa.

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Introducing our Agile Community Q&A’s

We're diving into a series of Q&A sessions featuring our esteemed colleagues and friends from the region. Here Rebecca Hudson, Enterprise Agile Coach, kicks off our inaugural Q&A series. Join us as we ignite a spirit of knowledge sharing within our agile community in 2024!

The idea for this Q&A session came from a number of organic conversations with colleagues and friends around challenges we were facing in our day-to-day roles. At the heart of so many of these challenges seemed to be issues with agile adoption and maturity. Each challenge had its own flavour.

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