How Novo Nordisk harnessed agile to meet demand surges, reaching $500bn market value

In this series of articles we explore how global businesses have adopted Agile Manufacturing to embrace an Industry 4.0 world. In this article we look at Novo Nordisk and explore how an agile transformation helped meet demand surges in a rapidly shifting pharma industry, to reach a market value of $500bn.

Novo Nordisk needed to shift their approach to business operations to tackle some of their greatest business challenges including…

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The Innovation Imperative: Decoding the Netflix Model and Nokia's Missteps

What fuels real innovation? Why do some household names fail to keep up with the market? In traditional organisations companies may adopt an accelerated innovation pipeline, or host Ideation competitions. Some incumbents build Greenfield digital teams to support rapid innovation. However, these models tend to have varying success and short-lived results.

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Prioritising Innovation: The Netflix Principles

In traditional organisations companies may adopt an accelerated innovation pipeline, or host ideation competitions. These models tend to have varying success and short-lived results. Without values and principles such as those at the heart of the Netflix business model, ones which are exemplified by a transformational leadership team, real innovation will not be a staple of an organisation.

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