Are we stuck in 'change' inertia? 

Are we stuck in 'change' inertia?  Reading through 2022 & 2023 reports from the Business Agility Institute, I was struck by a recurring theme: the top challenges companies face in their business agility journey have remained consistent over the last five years.

This could be seen as a grim reality. However, the new challenges highlighted in the 2023 report reveal that we're making progress, even if it’s not always apparent.

Inclusivity - the fact that all teams and departments now recognise the need for their involvement in the agility journey - marks a significant shift. While it’s still cited as a challenge, it’s a promising sign that agility and transformation programmes are no longer confined to a few teams, like Digital and IT, but are expanding enterprise-wide.

Metrics - the increasing focus on measuring the right things - underscores the growing recognition that true business agility relies on understanding where real value is created and how continuous improvement can be achieved.

Key skills - the emphasis on cross-skilling and upskilling - signals the need for leadership to collaborate closely with Agile HR teams. Building talent density and team excellence is crucial for sustaining agility across the organisation.

What do you think? Are organisations truly moving forward, or are we just spinning our wheels with the same challenges? How are you addressing these obstacles in your own business agility journey?


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